2025 Change Your Latitude - 57 North Open Water Challenge

Sunday 3rd August 2025

Sage Beach: 834 Lincoln St, SITKA, United States

Swimming, 1K, 10K


  • 10k- Marathon - Individual Age group 10k
  • 6.6K- 2 course laps - Individual Age group 6.6k
  • 3.3K- 1 course lap - Individual Age group/open
  • 1K- Change Your Latitude! - Individual Age group 1k


Change Your Latitude is a combined 10k/6k/3k/1k open water swim located in beautiful Sitka, Alaska. The race is organized by Baranof Barracuda Swim Club.

Solo or relay 10k (6.2 miles) and 6.6K (4.1 miles) and 3.3k (2 miles) open water swims in Sitka Sound, with a water temperature range in the mid to upper 50’s. The swim will starts adjacent to the Sitka Sound Science Center and follows the shoreline south along Sitka National Historical Park. The 10k (open to 18 years and older) will loop the course 3 times, the 6k completing 2 “laps” and 3k completes with one turn of the course (both open to 16 years and older). The 1k distance (open to all ages) will swim along the main course and returning via a designated turn around buoy.

The event is open to Adults and USA Swimming age group registered swimmers (8 and older). Swimmers may enter as Male and Female Solo Swimmers.  A total of 75 10k/6k and 3k solo swimmers will be allowed and there is no cap on numbers of swimmers entering into the 1k race. Wetsuits are recommended* and swimmers must submit witnessed proof of a continuous one (1) hour swim in water at or below 60 degrees Fahrenheit OR have a 2000m/2200y swim time of less than 40 mins. A letter by the individual’s swim coach or open water training coordinator attesting to the competitor’s ability to complete a swim in these conditions will be accepted. *The race staff may make exceptions to allow some swimmers to compete without wetsuits. Exceptions will be granted only to individuals who have proven experience (satisfactory to the race staff) with swimming in cold water races (below 60 degrees) without a wetsuit. Wetsuit waiver requests must be submitted to the Race Director at least (14) fourteen days prior to the event.

10k/6k/3k and 1k swims will have support and kayak boats scattered throughout the course. Swimmers are welcome to provide their own or race organizers can arrange for a limited number of boats and/or volunteer kayakers for those who desire. We will do our best to make kayaks available, either through rental or on loan from event sponsors.

Swimmers must swim on either the left or the right side of the kayak. NO KAYAK DRAFTING WILL BE ALLOWED. Drafting is defined as “the carrying of a swimmer by the wake of the escort boat, kayak, or other non swimming member registered in the event” If any team engages in drafting, and a complaint by another team is lodged and upheld, the drafting team will be disqualified.

A banquet and pre-race meeting will take place the Saturday before the race.

The pre-race meeting is MANDITORY for SOLO SWIMMERS AND THE SKIPPERS OF EACH ESCORT CRAFT. The purpose of the meeting is to review the race course, last minute changes, and instructions for the start of the race, pick-up and sale of individual t-shirts, caps, banquet tickets, meet your skipper.


Entry fee for Solo 10k, 6k, and 3k swimmers – Early entry $125, After June 1st $150 and after July 1st $175. – All Entries are due by July 21, midnight.

1k Entry fee: Entry is $50 . – Entries will be accepted up to race day.


Event details and schedule

WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY 7/30/2025-8/1/2025
Excursion swims – Meet at Fisherman’s Quay

SATURDAY 8/2/2025- Pre Race BBQ and Safety Briefing
Location: TBA

4:00 PM – Pre-Race Registration
5:00 Welcome, Introduction and Sitka Sound Swim History
5:15-6:00 Swimmer Safety, Course Review other Info

6:00 PM –– Salmon bake and social

SUNDAY 8/3/2025
Location: RACE START AREA – Sitka Sound Science Center

7:30 AM Starting line gathering – Final Course review and updates
8:00 AM 10K START
9:00 AM 6K START
9:45 AM 3K START
11:00 AM 1K START

Organised by

Baranof Barracudas Swim Club

PO Box 2464, Sitka

Phone: 9077384664

Event Images