Friday 30th May 2025
Holiday Inn: 399 Monmouth St, East Windsor, United States
New Jersey Randonneurs' "GS1200" is a cloverleaf event based out of the East Windsor Holiday Inn near Princeton, in the middle of the state.
Day Two is a moderately hilly, circular 300K loop, northeast to the Jersey Shore, where you can view Manhattan from the highest natural elevation on the Atlantic seaboard from Maine to the Yucatan, then south along the highest concentration of ocean boardwalks in the US, and back.
Day Three is a long, narrow 300K loop south, through the Pine Barrens to the Philly suburbs in the southwest corner of the state and back.
Randonneuring—non-competitive, long-distance cycling, where you follow a pre-planned route and attempt to finish within a set time-limit—is a great way to test your endurance, navigational skills, and fortitude.
The route can viewed at
Please Note: It is possible for riders to be out on the route beyond sunset. For those riders, lighting and reflective gear are required.
Please refer to the Rules for Lighting and Guidelines on Reflectivity
The full Randonneurs USA Rules for Riders may be found here.
Fri - May 30 - 6:00 am: START!
10pm Saturday: Cut-Off Time for an official finish (40-hr limit)
New Jersey Randonneurs
12 S Mountain Ave., Apt. 40, Montclair
Phone: 9739431686